Popcorn Lung

Did you know that eating too much microwaveable popcorn could take away your lung capacity? A Colorado man found out the hard way when he contracted bronchiolitis obliterans or “popcorn lung” from eating too much microwave popcorn made by manufacturer...

Deadly dog attacks

How much damage can a dog bite cause?  A Florida woman nearly lost an ankle when a 100 pound dog attacked her. After multiple surgeries, she even lost three inches from the afflicted ankle. The woman was ultimately awarded $1.26 million for her injuries. Dog bites are...

Slip and Fall Injuries

A faulty set of stairs, a concealed hole along a grassy pathway, an unseen water stain on a dark-colored rug, or even a pedestrian walkway under construction with no detour or warning might cause someone to slip and fall and suffer damages. These injuries can range...

Do I have to answer interrogatories or appear for a deposition?

A lawsuit can be a time consuming and stressful experience. While an attorney will help alleviate much of the stress, there will come a time where you must testify or provide written and verified responses. It is important to note that while no one can physically...

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